The Punjab & Haryana High Court ruled on Wednesday that, as far as privately-owned slaughterhouses/meat stores are concerned, the orders for the closure of all meat shops and slaughterhouses in Haryana’s Ambala district due to the Jain festival- “ParyushanaParv” should remain in effect.

The Department of Urban Local Bodies’ order to close all butcher shops and slaughterhouses for nine days due to the Paryushan festival was being contested in a writ case before the bench of Justice Sudhir Mittal.

The senior attorney representing the petitioners Rajpal Poultry Farm and others stated that it was unlawful to require private slaughterhouses and meat markets to close during the Paryurshan festival since doing so would violate their constitutional rights as well as the rights of the general public.

The attorney cited the 2016 ruling in Bombay Mutton Dealer Association v. State of Maharashtra, in which the Bombay High Court blocked a similar order made by the Maharashtra State Government. In that decision, the Bombay High Court held that the general public’s personal food preferences shouldn’t be impacted only to please one segment of society.

Taking into account the arguments given by the petitioners’ attorney, the High Court in this instance requested the State’s answer to the petition and, in the interim, suspended the implementation of the state order outlawing meat shops and slaughterhouses.

For Jains, ParyushanaParv is an annual holy occasion that is observed for eight days in August or September. From August 24 until September 1 of this year, 2022, it will be observed.

Rajpal Poultry Farm vs the State of Haryana