The term Eve teasing is used to refer to sexual harassment of women in public places such as the streets, public transportation , parks, beaches , and cinema halls. This type of a public harassment by a lone man or gangs of women includes such as verbal assaults such as making passes or unwelcome sexual jokes : nonverbal assaults such as showing obscene gestures , winking , whistling , and staring ; and physical assaults such as pinching, fondling and rubbing against women in public places .In addition, several instances of eve teasing have been followed by more violent assaults such as rape and murder.

Eve teasing is a euphemistic expression that lives in post – colonial India and refers largely to sexual harassment of women in public places, thereby constituting women as eves, temptresses who provoke men into sexual titillation. This popular perception of sexual harassment posits the phenomena as a joke where women are both a tease and deserve to be teased. Considered a growing problem throughout the sub – continent , eve teasing ranges in severity from sexually coloured remarks to outright groping. It is the same story everyday.

Eve teasing may sound obscene but harmless in its behaviour but this act of molesting women has sometimes resulted in rape and even death of the victim.

Many psychologists believe that sex , love or fun is not the only motive that men indulge in this behaviour. Eve teasing is closely related to the patriarchal mindset of the Indian male. Men are raised to believe that they are more powerful physically and emotionally than women. They feel that they are doing nothing wrong just having some fun. Women on the other hand are made to feel vulnerable and the weaker sex.

Teachers of psychology and social scientists believe eve teasing to be a result of the frustrations suffered by a majority of youth. Disappointed by the unbecoming attitude of teachers and indifferent parents , they yearn for an outlet to vent their aggression and depression .Besides , many who do not inherit good values tend to indulge in acts of sexual harassment.

It may appear paradoxical that in a country like India where the mother is generally deified, the growing male child does not learn to respect the members of his mother’s gender. But it is because of this deification that the boy finds it easy to slip into the patriarchal mode , for he does not relate to his mother as a woman, but as a helpless and martyred dependent who needs to be pitied and cared for.

Compensations And Remedies
Eve teasing is a civil wrong . It is an unlawful infringement of the victim’s legal rights. So according to the principle of Ibi Jus Ubi Remedia there should be a remedy for the victim in the cases of eve teasing.

This part is very important for many reasons.
Firstly , it gives relief to the victim as she can recover the loss caused to her.
Secondly, it gives the victim immense satisfaction to see the eve teaser punished and admonished. She develops a sense of satisfaction , happiness and regains her confidence and self esteem.
Thirdly , it gives a strict warning to the eve teasers so that they do not indulge in this heinous practice. It , thus , strongly condemns the practice of eve teasing.

The remedies can be in the following forms:
Public Humiliation: The eve teasers should be humiliated public ally so as to make them aware and feel guilty of the shameful practice that they indulged in . People should socially boycott them as to make them realize their mistake. Their names should be published in the newspapers describing their shameful act in detail so as to make them feel guilty and realize their mistake.

Monetary Compensation: Damages should be awarded to the victim in terms of money . It should be big money. It will recover the loss that she must have suffered and also will discourage men from involving in eve teasing.

Injunction: The court can also ask the eve teasers to strictly abstain from indulging in eve teasing in case of repeated acts of similar kind.

Detention: The court could also arrest a person for eve teasing . This would further discourage people from eve teasing.

Eve teasing is a wrong against the honor , dignity and self respect of a woman. It hurts her immensely. There is a strong need for combating this fast growing problem.

Written by Adv Rohit Yadav

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