Advocates, in law, a person who is professionally qualified to plead the cause of another in a court of law. As a technical term, advocate is used mainly in those legal systems that derived from the Roman law. In Scotland the word refers particularly to a member of the bar of Scotland, the Faculty of Advocates. In France avocats were formerly an organized body of pleaders, while the preparation of cases was done by avoués; today this distinction exists only before the appellate courts. In Germany, until the distinction between counselor and pleader was abolished in 1879, the Advokat was the adviser rather than the pleader. The term has traditionally been applied to pleaders in courts of canon law, and thus in England those who practiced before the courts of civil and canon law were called advocates. In the United States the term advocate has no special significance, being used interchangeably with such terms as attorney, counsel, or lawyer.

The day 3rd of December in India is celebrated by the lawyer community to honor Dr. Rajendra Prasad, to know more about the Law Profession and to thank Good Lawyers.

The role of an advocate is to offer independent support to those who feel they are not being heard and to ensure they are taken seriously and that their rights are respected.  An advocate will ensure a person has the tools to make an informed decision; it is not about making the decision for the person.

Advocates are important in a society because advocacy seeks to ensure that all people in society are able to have their voice heard on issues that are important to them, protect and promote their rights and have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives.

High earning potential as Advocates are among the top-paid professionals in the country. Advocates enjoy a lot of prestige and power ultimately leading to respect and success. They get the opportunity to help others and work towards equality in all respects while abiding by the law.

There is a difference between a Lawyer and an Advocate. A lawyer is a general term used to describe a legal professional who has attended law school and obtained a Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree. An advocate is a specialist in law and can represent clients in court.

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