Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, a Supreme Court judge who is also the chair of the court’s e-committee, revealed to the inattendance attorneys that he had instructed the relevant Registrar to send the attorneys the identical scanned copies of the papers as are sent to the judges.

“…from now on we will give members of the Bar the same scanned pages which come to us”, Justice Chandrachud announced while he was struggling to find a document referred by the counsel.

He said it would be simpler to “be on the same pages” if the members of the Bench and Bar were presented with the same papers. Additionally, he pointed out that the Advocates could feel relieved since they would no longer have to carry about heavy loads of paperwork.

“You will all have scanned files so that you don’t have to carry all these papers with you.” He swiftly clarified that judges who feel comfortable referring to hardcopies of petitions and other papers may keep doing so.

Justice Chandrachud has frequently argued that the law should develop along with technology. A recent speech on the value of technology in the legal system was given by Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, who described himself as a “self admitted geek on technology” during the Valedictory Ceremony of the 1st All India District Legal Services Authorities Meet. He had urged his compatriots to guarantee that the judiciary lost its aversion to implementing cutting-edge technologies.

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