The Armed Forces are prepared to deal with emergencies; women’s entry cannot be delayed’: The Supreme Court refuses to overturn an order allowing women to take the NDA exam

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court refused to overturn an interim judgment allowing women to sit for the National Defence Academy (NDA) examinations.

The Ministry of Defence requested that the NDA be exempted from the current induction of women, which the Court denied. The Ministry stated that specific infrastructure and curriculum adjustments are required to allow women to be inducted into the military, and as a result, it requested a delay until May 2022 to allow women to take part in the NDA entrance exam.

We don’t want to put off the transition; we’re looking ahead, says the bench

The bench’s order today described the Ministry’s position as “no jam today, jam tomorrow,” which was unsatisfactory.

“…we have given the topic some thought, as well as the problems stated by the armed forces.” The submission of arm forces effectively translates to “No Jam Today, Jam Tomorrow.”

We will find it difficult to accept that attitude, given that women’s aspirations have risen as a result of the ruling, albeit subject to the petition’s final decision.

The military forces have excelled in dealing with extremely tough situations; both on the border and within the country, and dealing with emergencies is a component of their training. We’re confident they’ll be able to handle this “emergency” if it is seen as such…

As a result, we would prefer not to effectively vacate the order that was issued; but to keep the matter ongoing,” the bench stated in its judgment.


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