9 July 2022

Punjab & Haryana High Court grants bail to former health minister Vijay Singla in corruption case

Vijay Singla is accused of demanding “one percent commission” in tenders and purchases by; his department. He arrested by the Mohali Police on May 24.

The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Friday granted bail to the former Punjab health minister Dr. Vijay Singla in a corruption case [Vijay Singla v. the State of Punjab].
Justice Lisa Gill, a single judge, granted the former minister’s request for bail after terminating him due to corruption charges.

Anmol Rattan Sidhu, the Advocate General of Punjab, spoke on behalf of the State. He said that; the investigation into the case was over, that; Singla had fully cooperated with the investigation, and that;  he had not protested when the prosecution asked to record his voice.

The High Court accepted the State’s arguments and granted the bail request.

“There is no allegation that; the petitioner is likely to abscond or influence witnesses. The trial is not likely to conclude in the near future. No useful purpose served by keeping; the petitioner incarcerated any longer. Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case but without commenting upon or expressing any opinion on the merits thereof, this petition is allowed,” the Court observed.

Singla is charged with “one percent commission” demands in his department’s tenders and acquisitions.
On May 24, he taken into custody by the Mohali Police in accordance with; Sections 7 and 8 of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The former health minister filed a petition with the Punjab and Haryana High Court for regular release after his prior bail request in the current corruption case was denied by a special court in Mohali.
The Special Court said that; if responsible people, like a former state minister, engaged in corrupt acts, it would send a very bad signal to society when rejecting Singla’s bail request.

Judge Parminder Singh Grewal of the Special Court had stated, “This Court is of the considered opinion that; it should send a very wrong signal in the society if the responsible persons of the society such as the petitioner, who was the then Health Minister, have allegedly indulged in such corrupt practices as per; the allegations leveled against him in the present case. It is having a depraved effect upon the minds of the common people, which lose faith in the system.”

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