4 June 2022

Prithviraj’s film cast is neutral, and he never refers to any king as a Rajput or a Gurjar: To the Delhi High Court, Yashraj Films

Acting Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Sachin Datta of the Division Bench dismissed a complaint against Akshay Kumar, who starred in the film “Samrat Prithviraj,” for allegedly portraying the monarch as a Rajput King.

According to the petition, Prithviraj Chauhan was a Gurjar king, not a Rajput king. The news comes as the picture prepares to hit theatres on June 3rd.

The ‘Gurjar Same Sarv Sangthan Sabha Ekta Samanya Samiti’ filed the petition, claiming that; the film is based on the novel ‘Prithviraj Raise,’ which written by Chand Bardai Barot, a prominent Indian poet.

The suit listed publications and discussions, including the movie’s Wikipedia page, which the creators allegedly encouraged to portray Prithviraj Chauhan as a Rajput emperor.

ASG the Central Board of Film Certification’s Chetan Sharma told the court that; the movie does not represent the emperor as either a Rajput or a Gurjar. Furthermore, Yashraj Films’ counsel claimed that;  multiple posts on various websites identifying Prithviraj Chauhan as a Rajput King were neither; produced nor posted by them in relation to the film.

The Court questioned why the respondents couldn’t just release a statement stating that; Prithviraj Chauhan not a Rajput king. Yash Raj Films’ lawyer, on the other hand, answered that; the production studio wanted to keep the film as caste-neutral as possible.

He further alleged that; the movie used as a scapegoat in conflicts between different groups. He alluded to the Karni Sena’s lawsuit against the film in the Allahabad High Court, alleging that; the title offends religious sensitivities.

Counsel for the Petitioners said that; if the film is caste-neutral, his grievance is settled, and he does not; want to pursue the case further.

As a result, the plea dismissed.

Gurjar Samaj Sarv Sangathan Sabha Ekta Samanya Samiti v Union of India & Ors is the name of the case.

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