Lawyer gets ₹15 lakh in damages for loss of leg due to hospital’s medical negligence.

 The Commission determined that the complainant incurred financial and bodily losses as a result of medical malpractice.

The Raigad District Consumer Complaints Redressal Commission recently ordered a hospital and two of its physicians to pay a lawyer 15 lakh in damages for inappropriate treatment and medical malpractice. [Ravindra Patil vs. Lifeline Hospital and Others]

In the instance of the complainant,

On December 3, 2019, the complainant, lawyer Ravindra Patil,  hurt in a car accident.

The complaint further alleged that he  not permitted to see his relatives after the operation, and that;  the drugs required for therapy, as well as medical tests, were more expensive, costing between 8000 and 10,000 dollars.

The right leg severed above the knee on December 14, 2019. Meanwhile, due to the erroneous operation, his left leg appeared to be infected.

The hospital charged him; for drugs worth 2 lakh and hospital costs around 1.25 lakh after amputating his right leg and infected his left leg, according to the plaintiff.

The complaint stated that; after being taken to JJ hospital, he received adequate treatment that; cleared his ailment in 21 days for just 25,000.

He demanded damages for medical malpractice, as well as a return of the whole sum he spent for treatment, plus interest.

Hospital’s response

JJ’s discharge card also failed to mention that his medical condition the result of carelessness.

The hospital also reported that; CCTV cameras  installed, allowing family to view the patient.

They alleged that on January 20, 2020, the complainant filed for discharge unexpectedly and did not even pay his debts.

They stated that the complainant owed the hospital 2.66 lakh in total, but that he had only paid 1.25 lakh The respondents further claimed that the complainant had filed a claim for damages of Rs.10 lakh against the vehicle owner with the Alibaug Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal.

Commission’s findings and ruling

The Commission concluded that the complainant incurred monetary and bodily damages as a result of medical malpractice after hearing both parties’ arguments.

“The complainant is a well-known attorney. He was also the family’s breadwinner. “As a result of the respondents’ medical incompetence and breach of duty, he has incurred a 60 percent handicap,” the judgement noted.

As a result, the Commission ordered the hospital and doctors to reimburse the complainant within 45 days of receiving the decision.


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