With the changing scenario and new trends, we are witnessing a lot of positive changes in society.  The reason for so many changes in society is the most popular #METOO online campaign. This campaign somehow provided women all around the world a platform to come and speak about their experiences of Sexual harassment.

Recently, The Ministry of Women and Child has suggested a few changes. The Home Minister Mr. Rajnath Singh headed the meeting of Group of Ministers (GOM). The agenda of the meeting was to tackle the issues that require amendments in the laws against Sexual Harassment at Workplaces.

The meeting concluded that, for amending the present laws on Sexual harassment, it would consider the guidelines passed in the Vishakha case.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court, in its judgment, came of the view it is the duty of the employer to prevent his employees.

It is his prior responsibility to detect that no such kind of activity is taking place in the office premises as well outside the office amongst his employees.


It is the foremost duty of the employer to provide his employees with a safe environment. It may also include work, creating awareness amongst his employees about the rights and consequences of the unwelcoming acts. To provide the measures of the resolution, settlement, and providing with an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC).

With the recent trends of #METOO, the image of a high profile, companies in the market, is at stake. To avoid such things, most companies have organized seminars on POSH. These seminars aim to educate the professionals, their rights in an organization, and the consequences that a person may face.

Whoever commits the act of sexual harassment at the workplace shall be liable to punishment according to the ICC of the company.

It is not the first time that Sexual Harassment has got this much support from women and men around the world. It is the fear of the image, the reputation of the family, society, and so on nuisance elements that restricts a woman to raise her voice against such prevailing menaces in the society.

This is one reason giving rise to the acts of these sexual predators.


According to a recent report, ‘Members of the Anti-harassment cell also become the victims of Sexual Harassment’. Says the Former Professor of Nagpur University, who was also the member- secretary of the Protection Cell for Women against Sexual harassment at Workplace.

People find it easy to harass women and young girls in schools and colleges. Also, the women from the Government and small-scale sector remain silent on these issues. This is so because, the career of these children, and women, are at stake. Keeping this fear in mind, even if any girl complains about the incident to the authority or the police, they force her to back out from the complaint made by her.

Whereas, irrespective of age, women who file a complaint should be encouraged and supported. The prevailing legal system should protect them so the concerned authorities can take proper action against the accused.
According to the Report of the International Labour Organization, they rank the rate of India’s Female Labour workforce Participation at 121 out of 131 countries.


Even, if we look into the history of India, women were considered as idol figure in society. It is not only the duty of the government, but every individual should respect women.

The above-mentioned data, and reports, somehow depict the condition of the women in India and the world platform. Instead of creating fear of loss of jobs and careers, they should protect these women. It should set an ICC that is up in every company that has over 10 women employees. The act of assault has anonymously increased in the world. This is such a matter of concern and this menace needs to be curbed down.


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