10 May 2022

Jayeshbhai Jordan: The Delhi High Court will not allow the film’s release until it views the film’s sex determination scene.

 The Delhi High Court on Monday ordered; the producers of Ranveer Singh’s upcoming film Jayeshbhai Jordaar to show the court a clip from the film portraying prenatal sex determination.

Acting Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and Justice Jasmeet Singh of the Division Bench said they; will look at the scene to see if a serious problem like female infanticide trivialized in the film.

“According to Justice Sanghi,” “You obey the rules. We’ll either have to wait and see or remain. You’ve returned. We will not allow this; unless we see it for ourselves. We’ll talk about it after lunch.”

An NGO called Youth Against Crime, represented by Advocate Pawan Prakash Pathak, filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the High Court, requesting that; the sequence depicting a clinic; where sex determination can be done be removed from the film.

It argued that despite the fact that; the film is about female infanticide and aims to raise awareness about; saving girl children, the movie’s promo and trailer promote the use of ultrasound for sex determination, which is illegal under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act of 1994.

After watching the film’s trailer today, the judges concluded that; there nothing in the trailer that; indicated that sex determination is illegal.

The Court stated that;  an act such as prenatal sex determination; cannot be done lightly, and that; it appeared from the trailer that; the family accompanied the pregnant mother to the clinic to determine the sex of the foetus on a routine basis.

“The movie may go on to deliver a positive message, but there is none in this scene. There is also no disclaimer on this “Justice Chawla said something.

Counsel for the movie producers stated that; an encrypted copy of the film delivered to the Court today or tomorrow for the judges’ assessment.

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