
India is a country where legal notices are very common to be served. The procedure to send a legal notice in India is considered to be quite simple and easy to follow. However, filing/drafting a legal notice can sometimes become complicated due to the technicalities involved in it. In this article, we will discuss all about how to send a legal notice in India.

What is a Legal Notice?

A legal notice is a formal notice sent to someone who has violated your rights or caused you wrong. A legal notice aims to inform the person that they have violated your rights, and also warns them not to repeat the same in future.

Legal notices are usually sent by lawyers or legal professionals, but anyone can send one as long as there is an established relationship between both parties and the intention of sending it is not malicious.

Importance of filing a Legal Notice

Filing a legal notice is an important step in the legal process. A legal notice is a formal demand for payment of a debt or compensation for a loss. It is served on the person who owes money to you, informing them about their obligation and giving them instructions on what they should do next.

A legal notice also serves as confirmation that you are proceeding with formal action in court, which may affect their decision-making if they intend to contest your claim. You can find more information on how to send a legal notice in India below:

Procedure to file a Legal Notice in India

File a legal notice with the court of competent jurisdiction. The plaintiff has to file a case against the defendant within one year or three years, depending on whether you are filing a personal injury or property damage case.

Send a legal notice to the defendant. You can send it via postal mail or email, but make sure that you include all necessary information in your letter (name of the person sending it, date received).

Drafting of a legal notice

Be precise and to the point.

Make sure you are specific about the relief you want and how long the notice should last.

Use a template to draft your legal notice if possible, or at least use one as a reference—this will save time, effort and money later on in case there’s any confusion over whether or not it was received (or even sent).

Don’t forget to be polite! It’s important that your message is respectful of both parties involved in order for them to take you seriously; also make sure that everything contained within this document reflects professionalism on your part too (i.e., no swearing). This will ensure that whoever reads this document does not have any reason whatsoever not do so again in future cases such as these where communication needs urgent attention from both sides involved before more serious consequences occur because someone didn’t follow through with sending out notices immediately upon receiving news about an issue needing immediate resolution time-wise like maybe being late with payments due tomorrow morning etc.

Best practices for sending legal notice

There are multiple ways to send a legal notice in India. However, the best practice is to ensure that the notice is sent to the correct address and that it reaches the intended recipient.

If you are sending it by post, use registered post with acknowledgement due (AR). If you are sending it by email or fax, send an AR copy of your email/fax as well as a hard copy.

You should file a legal notice in case someone has violated your rights or caused you wrong.

A legal notice is a formal notice sent by one party to another party in case of a dispute or violation of rights. It is also known as ‘summons’ or ‘notice to appear’. Legal notices are used in India for a variety of reasons and situations, including:

To notify the other party about your intention to take legal action against them if they do not comply with your demands

To inform the other party that their behavior was inappropriate and that they need to make amends for the wrongs committed by them

To inform someone about their legal rights and responsibilities


This article has helped you to know the process of filing a legal notice in India. If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel free to provide us feedback.

Written by Adv Rohit Yadav

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