What do you do when a street light hasn’t been fixed in years, your passports have been delayed, or a road construction project has been ongoing for months with no results? Or even if you have yet to receive your IT refund? The answer is simple – you file an RTI.

According to the Right to Information Act of 2005, every Indian citizen has the right to request information from a public authority if he or she so desires. The Government of Haryana hereby makes the Haryana Right to Information Rules’2009 in exercise of the powers provided by section 27 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (22 of 2005).

Here are the steps for filing an RTI if you are a resident of Haryana

RTI Haryana – Filing the Application in Offline Mode-

Recognize the department to which your RTI Application Request in Haryana should be addressed to-

The first and most important step in filing an RTI is identifying the department to which the RTI Application must be submitted. The RTI must be submitted to the department that can deliver the requested information. For example, if the issue is a civic one, such as a water problem, a street light problem, or a waste problem, the RTI must be directed to the Municipal Corporation of the region. If you are waiting for your passport, submit your inquiry to the regional passport office.

Write the RTI Haryana Application carefully-

Once you know the department, proceed towards writing your RTI Haryana application.

 The following points must be kept in mind while writing the application:

*It is preferable to write the application in the format prescribed by the Haryana Government.

*However, the format isn’t mandatory, you can also submit the application on a plain piece of paper.

*You can ask the questions in Hindi or English. Similarly, the government can respond in either language.

*Ensure that the questions asked are directed towards a single issue. If you have more than one issue that need to be raised, it is advised to file multiple RTIs.

*This is because too many issues addressed in a single RTI will make the application difficult to understand which can ultimately lead to rejection. For example, you wish to ask about the status of your delayed passports, ask questions relating wholly to your passport issue.

Attach Payment with the Application-

The submission of an RTI Application is not complete till payment is included to the RTI Haryana application. Attach a court fee stamp of Rs.50/- to your application.

Send the application-

As per the rules of the Haryana government, the RTI Haryana application has to be sent via speed post/ registered post.


Department of Elementary Education, Haryana

1.Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis, Haryana

2.Department of Environment, Haryana

3.Department of Excise & Taxation, Haryana

4.Forests Department, Haryana

5.Department of Higher Education, Haryana

6.Department of Industrial Training & Vocational Education, Haryana

7.Department of Industries & Commerce, Haryana

8.Department of Institutional Finance & Credit Control, Haryana

9.Department of Labour and Employment (Haryana)

10.Department of Land records & Consolidation, Haryana

11.Department of Rehabilitation, Haryana

12.Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Haryana

13.Department of School Education, Haryana

14.Civil Aviation Department, Haryana and etc.

Whom should the RTI Application be addressed to?

According to the RTI Act of 2005, each department must appoint a Public Information Officer (PIO) who is responsible for receiving and responding to RTI applications filed with that department. As a result, all RTI requests should be directed to the Department’s Public Information Officer.

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