There are many issues which women face these days and dowry is one. It not only affects the woman but also her whole family. Right from when a girl child is born, parents invest money so that they can provide it to their daughter at the time of her marriage.

This is the “pratha” which is going on from ages and is affecting many families. It is the loop of an entire life. One time you agree to one demand and the other party will have other demand ready. One demand will lead to the other and then to other and if you fulfill one demand and do not fulfill the other, the person demanding will take it on his ego and will harass the girl regarding the dowry or will beat, abusing and ill-treating her.

To prohibit giving or taking dowry the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 has been enacted.  The Act defines the dowry i.e. any property or any valuable security given before, at or any time after the marriage. The Act says that the presents given without any demand is not to be treated as a dowry. It also states that the value of the presents should not exceed the financial status of the person by whom it is made. However,  it should be entered in the list is to be made. However, Indian parents do exceed their limits by compromising on their needs and saving the dowry for the daughter’s marriage.

As per the Act, demanding of dowry is also a crime. Even if you don’t receive the dowry, still even asking for it is a crime.

Not only is this practice common in rural areas, but it also prevails in urban areas. Even today we see families in upper middle and middle class giving and taking dowry in the marriages. In reality, the demand is made by the groom’s side but it is given by saying that it is for the bride.

People also have this belief that dowry is only given and taken in arranged marriages and not in love marriages. But the story is all the same on the other side of the coin too. People do demand dowry in love marriages as well.

The main cause for this ritual is that the parents feel that this the only way by which their daughter can be happy in her in-law’s house. They save money for the dowry, but they don’t provide education to their daughter. If they don’t impart education to their daughter, then she will be financially dependent on her husband. In additon who will make sure that his wife does the things as per his wish and command.

A detrimental effect of this custom affects the society in a long way. Parent’s need to marry their young daughter’s. By doing so, they can save the cost of the dowry, because elder the daughter, the more will be the cost of Dowry. In addition, this child marriage leads to many more problems like lack of education, family pressure on the daughter and many more.

The tradition of dowry is going on from a long run. But it’s never too late to start a new thing and that too which will helps society.

We should educate our girls. Education will make them strong not only financially but also emotionally and psychologically. We should have a strong belief in not giving or taking dowry at any cost.

So, every household should pledge, not to accept or demand a dowry for the male child of theirs’. In furtherance not to give dowry for their female child. It is the high time now we shun this ages-old ‘pratha’ right away.

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