Delhi High Court Orders Blocking Of 34 Rogue Websites Indulging In Online Piracy By Streaming Content.


Order for blocking of 34 rogue websites  passed by the Delhi High Court; for indulge in online piracy by streaming content through illegal means.

Justice Asha Menon ordered; the Department of Telecommunications and; the Ministry of Electronics and; Information Technology to issue notices instructing telecom service providers to disable access to the websites in India within 36 hours.

Six plaintiffs filed a suit; seeking a permanent injunction prohibiting 34 defendants websites from; storing, broadcasting, copying, distributing, making available to; the public or communicating to the public, or facilitating the same, any content over which; they owned copyright on their websites.

The plaintiffs submitted that; the lawsuit was maintainable since; they harmed by the websites unlawful streaming of their creative and unique work, and so there were common facts and legal issues at hand.

It argued that; the suit maintainable under Order I Rule 1(a) CPC because; the plaintiffs were aggrieved by the same act or series of acts, on the basis of which; the copyrights in their works were; infringed by the; rogue websites, and that; bringing separate suits would only add to the court’s burden.

The Court went on to say that the requirements of Order I Rule 1(a) & (b) CPC were not met, and that all of the plaintiffs could not join in one suit, even against a similar set of defendants, because there was no identity of copyright, the work, or the infringement of each of the plaintiffs’ works by each of the defendants..

Accordingly, the Court directed the plaint to be registered as suit and issued summons in the same.

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