Consumer Disputes

In the modern era, where the economy has paced up its way, the trading and offering of services have also increased to a new extent. With emergent businesses and industries, the consumers have also efficiently increased their area of interest and the rights and liabilities in the same field. 

There was a time when we use to call a consumer a caveat emptor but this modern era is turning its ways and leading the consumer to be the king and play an active role in the market. These types of aware consumers in a world full of fraudulent acts need the best piece of advice from the best team who have pledged for justice for all and the consumers deserve the best as they are kingmakers and the breaker.

How we can help you?

Consumer counseling: a consumer always has a thought process that any business or enterprise from which he is purchasing the product will keep his faith but sometimes the expectations are not fulfilled to the desired extent. These type of instances occurs on a routine basis and this only leads to disappointment and wastage of precious money. Our team of experts is well trained and well versed with consumer laws. They can offer the best and genuine piece of advice for the sake of the best interest of a consumer. Our consultation our quite affordable and the ways of reaching out to the expertise is quite an easy job. We provide our services from the office in Gurgaon and also provide an online consultation

Consumer protection litigation: in the era where money matters the most all the business enterprises wish to make more and more profit and on verge of that, they forget the interest of the consumers and left them behind with disappointment in their hands where they are left with no option. but the Indian consumer laws safeguard them and our team having the best command over it and having profound knowledge and experience in the litigation area. The consumers are always left with the last option and that is to knock on the doors of the court and plead for justice. The team at the law office of Kr. Vivek Tanwar advocates and associates provide exceptional and best legal advice and keep the track of every lead and date of the case of the consumer. We provide these legal services through our offices in Gurugram, Rewari, Palwal, and Faridabad.  

Consumer rights: the modern time consumers who are well versed with their area of interest are the new kingmakers, but this is also an evident fact that these rights are also not well known to some majority of consumers. The consumer holds a bundle of rights and we can conclude it as a consumer having the right to safety against such goods and services as to not harm their life. The right of representation is also considered to be the first and foremost thing one could possess. Every consumer should have all the rights to know the product of its quality, purity, and standards. The last right that one consumer can possess is the right to seek redressal. They have the right to get relief from unfair trade practices and restrictive trade practices. We the team of Kr. Vivek Tanwar Advocates & Associates works for the best interest of the consumer through online consultation and a traditional approach towards seeking redressal.