
Neha Yadav

As a seasoned expert with three years of PQE, Neha Yadav is a highly skilled legal professional who works for our firm as a Senior Associate. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the Indira Gandhi University (IGU) in Rewari. Demonstrating proficiency in several legal fields, including Civil, Matrimonial, Criminal, Recovery, Consumer, MACT, RERA, and ADR laws, Neha is registered with the Punjab & Haryana Bar Council.

Throughout her professional life, Neha has participated in numerous legal proceedings and made appearances before esteemed courts and tribunals located in Gurugram and New Delhi. She effectively represents clients and articulates their cases with precision due to her thorough understanding of court procedures. Neha’s knowledge of the legal process ensures that her clients’ interests are protected at every stage.

One of Neha’s key strengths lies in her drafting skills, which allow her to prepare well-structured and persuasive legal documents. Whether drafting pleadings, petitions, or legal notices, Neha pays meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that her submissions are clear, concise, and legally sound. She also possesses strong communication skills, enabling her to effectively present her arguments before the court and articulate complex legal concepts in a comprehensible manner.

Neha’s administrative abilities further enhance her competence as a legal practitioner. She excels at prioritizing tasks, managing multiple cases simultaneously, and adhering to deadlines. Recognizing the importance of efficient case management, she ensures that all necessary paperwork, supporting materials, and submissions are prepared and filed on time.

In addition to her litigation expertise, Neha excels in legal research. She has thorough and up-to-date knowledge of relevant laws, statutes, and precedents, enabling her to provide accurate and well-informed legal advice to her clients. Neha’s research skills allow her to identify key legal arguments, anticipate potential challenges, and develop strong strategies to support her clients’ cases.

Areas of Practice:

Civil & Criminal Litigation:

Neha represents clients in cases involving contracts, real estate, torts, and criminal offences. She handles a broad range of civil and criminal litigation matters, running trials, drafting pleadings, and presenting strong arguments in court.

Arbitration & Dispute Resolution:

Through arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution procedures, Neha assists clients in resolving conflicts. She has experience drafting arbitration agreements, arguing arbitration cases, and achieving settlements that benefit her clients.

Matrimonial Litigation:

Neha is proficient in managing marital conflicts, including divorce litigation, child custody disputes, maintenance demands, and property division. She takes a compassionate approach to these sensitive matters, striving for fair and amicable outcomes for her clients.

Revenue-related Litigation:

Neha represents clients in revenue-related matters, such as tax disputes, property tax assessments, and other revenue law issues. She provides legal advice and advocacy services to protect her clients’ interests in these cases.

Debt Recovery & Insolvency-Related Litigation:

Neha assists clients in pursuing legal action to recover debts. She is knowledgeable about debt recovery laws and tactics, particularly in insolvency and bankruptcy-related litigation.

Banking & Finance-Related Litigation:

In her litigation practice, Neha focuses on banking and finance cases, particularly those involving the Negotiable Instruments Act (NI Act). She represents clients in matters related to bounced checks, debt recovery, and other banking-related challenges.

Motor Accident Claims Litigation:

Neha provides legal assistance to individuals filing claims related to motor vehicle accidents. She guides her clients through the complex process of seeking damages and compensation for injuries sustained in accidents.

Consumer Cases:

Neha ensures that her clients’ rights as consumers are upheld by representing them in consumer disputes.

With her extensive legal knowledge and expertise, Neha Yadav is a valuable asset to our firm. She exhibits a strong dedication to client success in her role as Senior Associate, supported by her robust educational background and practical experience. Neha’s expertise in litigation, negotiation, and legal research is crucial to delivering exceptional legal services and achieving successful outcomes for our clients.


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